Carrying out a PMO self-assessment is easy when you use the membership benefit of access to the online self-assessment tool. Login and get started today.
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- Date: August 22, 2022
- By: Lindsay Scott
- Categories: PMO Careers
In this session we covered different areas of “taking ownership” – what that really means, what does it look like, how you can take ownership.
We’ll also looked closer at the “PMO career” and uncover lots of different avenues that should spark thoughts about your own career to date and where you want to be next.
Full of practical tips and insights plus a chance to hear how others are taking ownership of their PMO career.
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Self-assessments are just one of the ways you can do an introspective on yourself - to understand what experiences, skills, knowledge and behaviours you have that make you competent at the role you perform. Once you have that understanding, you can use it to further improve on those areas you're already performing strongly at - and of course, address some of the weaknesses that become apparent.
We take a look at self-assessments with the PMO Competency Framework.
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- Date: September 7, 2016
- By: Lindsay Scott
- Categories: PMO Careers
At the PMO CV Workshop in July, PMO Practitioners got together to work on improving their CV.
There are three crucial areas of the CV - the opening profile, the career history and key achievements.
Here’s what they learnt about the three areas:
Create the opening profile of a CV which is guaranteed to tick all the boxes and get yourself noticed for all the right reasons. It will focus on understanding your own Unique Selling Points.
Learn how to write the career history part of your CV – conveying your skills and experiences in the way that hirers want to read. Learn to write about each position in your career – focusing on the facts that prospective employers want to see. You’ll learn about the power of combining responsibilities with key project competencies.
Include hard-hitting key achievements that help you stand out from the competition. Catch attention for specific roles – learn out to mix and match key achievements for maximum impact.
Until we run another PMO CV Workshop in the future, (take a look at the previous PMO Mini-Masterclass if you can't wait) in this article we take a look at the beginning stages of creating a CV - the things you have to think about before you even put pen to paper.
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During our time at Project Challenge, we presented to a PMO audience on the topic of "Challenges and Trends in a PMO Career". I presented three challenges related to finding new opportunities and Eileen Roden presented three challenges whilst in post as a PMO professional. For the second part we did the same but this time focused on the trends we're seeing.
The presentation was well received - pitched at the right level for the audience - so it makes sense that we would want to share the presentation with you too.
Here's the presentation, available through Prezi. Below you can access the two video presentations.
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