Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs)
Provide practical PMO certification-based training for your learners and corporate clients by becoming a House of PMO accredited training organisation.
Accredited and certified by APMG International, the most reputable global accreditation and examination institute.
The new certification based PMO courses were launched throughout 2021/2022.
Training organisations are invited to express an interest in becoming an ATO.

Certified PMO Courses from
House of PMO
Accredited to Deliver PMO Certification Training
The House of PMO are continuing to seek new international partners who can become a House of PMO Accredited Training Organisation (ATO). We are particularly looking for experienced individuals or companies who already deliver training services related to the field of project, programme, portfolio management and PMO.
The House of PMO training courses are certified by APMG International, the most reputable global accreditation and examination institute. Becoming a House of PMO accredited training organisation through APMG brings international recognition through the APMG quality stamp of approval.
Benefits to House of PMO Accredited Training Organisations include:
- Tap into the growing demand for high quality, practical, certification-based courses for PMO professionals.
- Enhance your PPM offering to include PMO certification based courses.
- Compliment your existing training course portfolio.
- Partner with the professional body for PMO.
- International recognition through the APMG quality stamp of approval, one of the world’s most respected certification bodies.
Meet the criteria?
To become an accredited House of PMO training organisation (ATO) you must be or have:
- A registered company in your country
- Experience in the field of project, programme, portfolio management or PMO.
- An experienced trainer
- Able to deliver training in a professional training environment

Launched in 2021/2022
The House of PMO qualifications were launched in 2021/2022:
- May 2021 – the House of PMO Essentials for Project Administrators – replaces the BCS PPSO Essentials
- September 2021 – the House of PMO Essentials for PMO Analysts – new course
- May 2022 – the House of PMO Essentials for PMO Managers – replaces the BCS Advanced Practitioner
- September 2022 – the House of PMO Essentials for PMO Directors – new course