In this session we hear from one PMO professional who has made a great success of the "PMO of One", expect to find out about the maturity matrix, boundary setting, use of data, stakeholder engagement and more. Oh and there's a dog!
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Explore how an NHS Foundation Trust overcame financial and operational crises with the establishment of a PMO. Led by Dr. Noel Burkett, this session delves into the challenges, lessons, and successes of building a PMO from scratch to deliver a comprehensive recovery programme, driving the organisation out of special measures and towards long-term sustainability
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In this session we hear about a case study from GSK as the PMO implements a new PPM tool and PMO automation.
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In this session we hear from Simon Hazelwood, PMO Manager at Registers of Scotland. He gives a detailed insight into managing the PMO through the Census 2022 Scotland. Expect lots on the PMO handbook and governance and assurance approaches.
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In this session, Paul Fenton gives a detailed insight and practical takeaways on what happens when projects and programmes go into special measures in the public sector. This is where the PMO can really come into its own.
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In this PMO Conference 2023 session we hear from Ian Finch as he takes us through the case study of Virgin Media and O2 and the merging together of the portfolio management offices.
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This really is a very different kind of PMO case study, presented at the PMO Conference in Edinburgh the PMO of the Year 2020 winner brings a truly unique insight and many lessons for setting up and running a PMO from the emerald heart of the Caribbean.
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The story of Telstra’s PMO has everything – there’s the first Chief Project Officer role, then there’s the ePMO and portfolio approach (“to advance project management to improve business value”). There are key focus areas on capability, assurance, community, project sponsorship, business case, benefits, advice and intervention – all those areas PMOs should strive to deliver and support.
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In this session, Gary Stoneley shares how P2 (Valcon) collaborated with Selfridges to support them during their PMO transformation journey - both the highs and the lows. And how collaboratively, significant milestones were delivered, and competitive benefits achieved in what were turbulent times for retail.
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This is a story of the University of Kent's PMO adventure (and some misadventure) as they transformed from a siloed delivery team to a pan university PMO. Taking disparate activities and delivering a multi-million-pound portfolio, re-writing the rule book on how we govern, lead and land changes in order to deliver the right changes in the best possible way.
Part rags to riches, part Avengers this conference session will share a story that will resonate with many of you on a PMO maturity journey; they share with you all of their learning, everything they wished they had known and their plans for the winning the long game.
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