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We're now on to our ninth (ladies dancing) 12 Stand Up for PMO Days Before Christmas and some further insights from our first PMO Unconference.
[You can see the other 12 Stand Up for PMO Days Before Christmas here]
In this post, we're celebrating the vibes of Coronation Street, Crossroads and Emmerdale and taking a look at a real-life PMO soap opera.
With our first three themes of Setting Up, Running and Closing Down a PMO, the stand up soap opera ran across three episodes.
Delegates took a lot of learning from this session presented by Chris Walters, take a look at the recordings:
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Over the past few years, Agile Development methods have transformed the way that software is designed and delivered. This clashes with the traditional waterfall method of project management and presents a challenge to the PMO as we knew it.
This presentation explores how IG Group transformed its PMO to support product-focused agile development whilst satisfying project-focussed business sponsors.
Get an overview of a project lifecycle that works in tandem with Agile Scrum
Understand how Agile product ownership can be included in a PMO
See how product management can fit into an Agile PMO
The Video
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Implementing Portfolio Management is a Transformational Change to the way your organisation thinks, acts, feels towards and implements change.
During this session Kirsty will share some of my experiences of the way people think, feel and act with any transformational change, specifically when your aim is to engage the organisation in an open, collaborative transparent way of working.
The good – how do you know what good looks like ?
The bad – gotchas !
The downright ugly – things to avoid.....
The Video
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Implementing a new PMO is a challenge in any organisation – add in a conflict zone and a humanitarian crisis to the mix and suddenly the need to deliver results moves from “business critical” to literally the ability “to save lives”.
Eddie Borup recounts his time as Head of Programme for a large international agency in the development/humanitarian sector, appointed just a few days prior to a brutal civil war starting in South Sudan. Arriving on the ground he saw the shift of his programme move from development support to humanitarian aid overnight.
He was accountable for a $30m programme which included the building of camps (IDP) to protect the internally displaced citizens, extend airstrips to enable aid to be delivered, roads to ensure food security and other infrastructure related projects including the renovation/building of hospitals.
Eddie shares the critical success factors in setting up a PMO in this environment, focusing on the functions and services of the PMO that really mattered. Combined with insights into this unusual working environment, Eddie also tells his story about taking on a challenge like this and what lessons can be learned for other organisations who need to deliver business critical programme and projects – regardless of the sector and environment.
Practical example of the benefits of an effective PMO
Hints and Tips on what makes a PMO successful
How the lessons learned can be translated to other sectors
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Earlier this month we held the first ever PMO Flashmob in Scotland. It was held at SSE in Glasgow and the aim of the evening was to bring together PMO professionals together and have a chat about what is happening in this region.
The evening was kicked off by Jennifer Band, PMO Lead at SSE by setting the scene and asking the all important question - what is a PMO and what does it mean to the people around the table. Here's just some of the things PMO do:
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