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This year's theme at PMI's PMO Symposium was all about Benefits Management, a big change from last year where the talk was all about portfolio management. There were about 700-800 people in attendance over the three days - and the set up was the same as last year. Some opening keynote speeches - a learning excursion (I picked the hospital - fascinating when you compare it to the NHS and what we have here) - then sessions you could pick from across six different streams. Some of these streams were what they called Knowledge Hubs, small groups of people being facilitated in a discussion about a particular topic.
This year, Eileen Roden, PMO Flashmobber joined me - and we bumped into John McIntyre (Ticketmaster PMO Manager, who was presenting a couple of sessions) and Mr Portfolio, Craig Kilford.
So what did I take away from this year's PMO Symposium? Here are my top ten messages:
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Take a look at the video below to find out more about the first day of the 2016 PMO Symposium
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Take a look at the PMO Mini-Masterclass session on the subject of Benefits Management and the PMO.
In this article we take a look at the top five learning points you can take away from this session - or watch it all!
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“Benefits Management has been on the ‘too hard’ pile in many organisations for a long time. However, PMOs are now being asked to support, or even drive its implementation. Needless to say, developing a Benefits Management process and adding it into the project management repository is not sufficient.
This session provides an insight into some of the considerations and challenges you may face in your PMO when implementing Benefits Management into a project, programme or portfolio environment.
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Organisations have been continuously seeking ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their programme and project delivery processes in order to achieve higher return on investment.
PMOs have increasingly played a key role in this trend mostly by ensuring the correct utilisation of project management best practices and by supporting the programme and project delivery processes.
In this scenario, PMOs play a significant role in supporting the utilisation of benefits realisation management practices to ensure programmes and projects maximising the creation of strategic value to the business.
The presentation will focus on some key areas where the PMO can support effective benefits realisation and what many organisations are still finding challenging, which are benefits definition and benefits tracking. The key organisational roles and responsibilities to enable effective benefits realisation will also be discussed as well as the key challenges that organisations face to have benefits realisation management implemented on organisational level.
How to define a benefit
How to track benefits realisation
What are the key organisational roles for creation of organisational value through effective Benefits Realisation Management
The Video
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