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Project assurance is a PMO service offering and included within it are project healthchecks. In this session Peter Wardle tells us about the common problems found in projects, often picked up by healthchecks - and how healthchecks should be carried out. He shares a free tool which you could use within your own organisation.
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The PMO can provide several supporting services around assurance. In this session, we learn about measures – specifically the measure of confidence in the potential for a project or programme to succeed.
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In this session, we were live in the room in London with the APM London Branch. Eileen uncovered where the real value of the PMO is and addressed the elephant in the room – the friction that exists between the PMO and delivery teams.
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How many times do we hear the term about PMOs being the ‘critical friend’ to our Project Managers, Programme Managers, SROs and others? Do we really understand what it means to be a critical friend?
In this session, we were joined by Neil Goldsmith, a professional ‘critical friend’ who gave us all the insights about performing the role of critical friend well.
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In this session we covered:
The problem with not being able to buy P3O manuals anymore; project status updates with Insta; working from home versus the office; project assurance; audit + added value = assurance and emerald glasses.
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What is integrated assurance? And what does the PMO need to understand and do with integrated assurance?
That was the topic of the January 2020 PMO Flashmob with guest presenter Roy Millard. Roy is the founder and Chairman of the APM Assurance Specific Interest Group and talks to the PMO Flashmobbers with over 15 years experience in this specialist knowledge area of project management.
So what is integrated assurance?
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Organisations have been continuously seeking ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their programme and project delivery processes in order to achieve higher return on investment.
PMOs have increasingly played a key role in this trend mostly by ensuring the correct utilisation of project management best practices and by supporting the programme and project delivery processes.
In this scenario, PMOs play a significant role in supporting the utilisation of benefits realisation management practices to ensure programmes and projects maximising the creation of strategic value to the business.
The presentation will focus on some key areas where the PMO can support effective benefits realisation and what many organisations are still finding challenging, which are benefits definition and benefits tracking. The key organisational roles and responsibilities to enable effective benefits realisation will also be discussed as well as the key challenges that organisations face to have benefits realisation management implemented on organisational level.
How to define a benefit
How to track benefits realisation
What are the key organisational roles for creation of organisational value through effective Benefits Realisation Management
The Video
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Last month's PMO Flashmob was all about taking a look at our PMOs with a P3O lens. P3O, Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices, first created as a piece of guidance back in 2008 from the same stable as PRINCE2, and refreshed in 2013 is one of the more prominent literatures in this field.
Many people within the PMO world have either read it or taken the step further and taken the training course and accreditation. One of the most prominent pieces
of feedback has long been that P3O is a good place to start if you're setting up a PMO for the first time or indeed looking to reboot an existing one. What it has never done or claimed to do is set out how to manage a PMO or looked in any detail at the types of functions and services a PMO provides - and how to do them.
We were lucky on Thursday night to have refresh author Eileen Roden run a session for us at QA's International House training venue (fabulous views BTW). We wanted to think about the world of PMO post P3O in so much that yes we have some good useful practice that is written and available but really we want to understand what has changed since 2008.
We decided to have an interactive session in that PMO Flashmobbers would take a moment to stop and reflect. We asked the question:
What has your PMO stopped doing?
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