PMO Trends

Top Ten Trends in PMO for 2016

As we kick-start the New Year in project management, we take a look at what’s in store for the PMO in 2016 – for those working in portfolio, programme and projects offices. 1. PMOs must secure the tools they need to do the basic job 2. PMO teams will recruit data analysts 3. Getting to grips with programme management 4. Methodology makeover 5. Further practices in portfolio management 6. Measures and metrics – showing why PMO is needed 7. Picking off the services that mean the most for the business 8. Making business cases for additional capacity and capability 9. Understanding the true skillset required for where you’re heading 10. Making relationships with other departments  
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Challenges and Trends in a PMO Career

During our time at Project Challenge, we presented to a PMO audience on the topic of "Challenges and Trends in a PMO Career". I presented three challenges related to finding new opportunities and Eileen Roden presented three challenges whilst in post as a PMO professional. For the second part we did the same but this time focused on the trends we're seeing. The presentation was well received - pitched at the right level for the audience - so it makes sense that we would want to share the presentation with you too. Here's the presentation, available through Prezi. Below you can access the two video presentations.
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The Writings on the PMO Wall

Last week we had two days at Project Challenge, it was a first for us and we were delighted to have so many PMO people come and visit us. During the show we decided to give people a feel for what PMO Flashmob is like so we decided to have the PMO wall. Essentially we had three topic areas going. One about PMO training, another on current challenges and the third one on trends. Visitors put up their thoughts, other people added new ones or just added comments to what was already there.There are some interesting insights and it certainly made our two days much more fun than a normal, dry exhibition! Here Eileen, Ken and I give you the overview on what came out over the two days:
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