Ever attended a conference and wished you got more out of it afterwards? How about someone giving you the top ten takeaways to help shape your experience and thinking? There was a lot to take in at the PMO Conference this year so in this webinar we cover the top ten talking points from the PMO Conference held in London in June 2016.
Here are the top ten:
Just Enough Maturity
High Yellows
Missed the webinar? You can take a look here:
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Mention to Senior Management that you would like a meeting to update them on your PMO and most would sooner chew their own arms off rather than attend. This session will show how to tune into their wavelength and help achieve a better profile for your projects, programmes, portfolios and PMOs. The presentation is based on recent Complexity research at Cranfield University and will be fast paced and fun.
Ideas on how to make Senior Execs understand the role of PMOs
Techniques to get your message across better
Latest research on PPM complexity
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A brief exploration into how you can manage the perception of your PMO to move away from the long held and dogged perception of PMOs being an admin/ reporting/ bureaucracy - towards an innovative change support function that is fully aligned with the needs of the business and really adds value across Change programmes or portfolios.
This insightful and creative session looks at the brand of the PMO and how to communicate that brand across the organisation.
A different perspective on the value of investing time and resource in improving the perception of the PMO
The desire to look at yourself in the mirror and ask whether you are really doing what you can to improve and manage the perception of your PMO
Walk away with some innovative concepts to explore in your own PMO environments
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Resource Management is consistently flagged as one of the most pressing problems facing the PMO today. But what are the real issues? Availability, prioritisation, assignment, utilisation, capacity planning – and which of these are actually the responsibility of the PMO?
In this session we will look at the resource management challenges the project organisation faces, but zero in on where the PMO can really add value to the business, not just administrate, and hence raise the value of the PMO itself.
As well as identifying the essential resource management capabilities needed we will also look at some of the “magic dust” a PMO can add to really drive value and recognition, together with some ideas on how these capabilities can be facilitated by process and technology.
Identify the areas in resource management where a PMO should focus
Describe core resource management capabilities that should be in place
Demonstrate areas where the PMO can really differentiate their services
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The Portfolio Management Office forms the bridge between the organisation’s strategy and its change portfolio. It enables delivery of the strategy and serves to prove and improve delivery of change.
Providing these services in an investment bank is a challenge. This is an environment which demands pace and tangible outcomes; it is subject to extraordinary external pressures and scrutiny; and it is where the need for portfolio management is increasing.
The way we provide portfolio management into this environment needs to quickly mature to remain valuable. A critical factor for a successful Portfolio Management Office is to show measurable value in the way it forms the bridge between strategy and the change portfolio.
How bridging strategy to the change portfolio drives PMO value
How the investment banking as a relative newcomer is influencing PMO practises
How maturing at pace should become business as usual for the PMO
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It has been argued that there is no place for a PMO in an Agile environment where decision making is devolved, processes simplified and documentation de-emphasised.
Andrew argues that this is far from the truth. The right kind of PMO can, and should, be a powerful enabler of Agility whilst ensuring an appropriate level of governance.
They will explain how an Agile PMO differs from the traditional model including a real life example of where they made this a reality”.
How an Agile PMO is different
What it can do to enable Agility
Real life examples
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Over the past few years, Agile Development methods have transformed the way that software is designed and delivered. This clashes with the traditional waterfall method of project management and presents a challenge to the PMO as we knew it.
This presentation explores how IG Group transformed its PMO to support product-focused agile development whilst satisfying project-focussed business sponsors.
Get an overview of a project lifecycle that works in tandem with Agile Scrum
Understand how Agile product ownership can be included in a PMO
See how product management can fit into an Agile PMO
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The challenges for PMOs to support the delivery of real change are getting harder. The PMO needs to react by developing a continuous improvement framework.
That goal can be achieved by applying lessons learned in a more concrete way. The presentation suggests 3 powerful ways to apply lessons learned and examines each in some depth.
The reactive technique of applying lessons learned is supplemented by a high level overview of 3 proactive techniques. Together these provide a ‘toolbox’ for a learning PMO.
A framework for continuous improvement
Reactive improvement: how to turn ‘lessons learned’ into ‘lessons applied’
Proactive improvement techniques
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Implementing Portfolio Management is a Transformational Change to the way your organisation thinks, acts, feels towards and implements change.
During this session Kirsty will share some of my experiences of the way people think, feel and act with any transformational change, specifically when your aim is to engage the organisation in an open, collaborative transparent way of working.
The good – how do you know what good looks like ?
The bad – gotchas !
The downright ugly – things to avoid.....
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“Temporary PMO’s” why would you have them and what are the benefits? And if you decide they are useful for your organisation, programmes and projects, how do you setting up, running and closing down temporary PMOs?
What kind of services can you offer and what kind of PMO employees are needed?
In this session we take a look at the answers to these questions. You will discover the pros and cons of temporary programme and project offices and also receive a handy pop-up PMO roadmap.
Sue Vowler, P3O author described the accompanying book, "The PMO as a Pop-Up Shop" as:
“…The PMO as a pop-up shop is a great analogy and perfectly describes the world of temporary programme or project office. It fills the gaps in P3O, answering the ‘how do I do this?’ question” and is a true practitioners guide to setting up, running and closing down temporary PMOs…”
More insights into the why, what and how of temporary PMOs
Receive the pop-up PMO roadmap
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