In this session we learn about 'business resilience'. What is it all about and what does the PMO need to know about it? It's much more than just business recovery and all the associated projects and programmes related to that, it turns out that the PMO has a role to play within the organisation's whole approach to being resilience.
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In this article - a members question gets answered by expert Ken Burrell - “Do you have a template I could review for sending out prior to facilitating a lessons learnt session please?"
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The question gets answered - We are looking for a web-based simple scenario planning/capacity tool where we can input basic project data (i.e. expected size, effort and duration) and then model this against our capacity. We are not looking for a full PPM tool, as we already have a tool in place for the project reporting, RAID, etc.; it's more about at a high level planning our portfolio roadmap and having the ability to complete simple 'what-if' scenarios. This would be a tool used by the PMO rather than project managers.
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