by Lindsay Scott | Oct 19, 2022
In this session we take a look at carrying out a PMO self-assessment. Taking the PMO Competency Framework we share how you can prepare, reflect, complete it and use it in your PMO career development. We will be using the online self-assessment tool as well –...
by Emily Jayne | Mar 17, 2022
In this free session we take a look at the PMO service catalogue and learn how to create a PMO service. Attendees will learn about why a service catalogue exists, what it is used for and how to create one for your PMO. Eileen will get into the detail of what a service...
by Lindsay Scott | Feb 22, 2021 | House of PMO, PMO Competency Framework
The PMO Competency Framework was launched on the 12th February 2021 and just one week later had hit the number one spot in Amazon’s project management titles, making it a best seller. The book was officially launched during a PMO Flashmob session which attracted...
by Lindsay Scott | Feb 16, 2021 | House of PMO
The new PMO Competency Framework is officially launched on Thursday evening with a PMO Flashmob community event. The virtual event takes place at 6.30pm UK time / 1.30pm EST / 10.30pm UAE With over three years in the making, the PMO Competency Framework really is a...
by Lindsay Scott | Feb 11, 2021 | House of PMO, PMO Competency Framework
The House of PMO, a professional body for PMO professionals has today launched the first-ever PMO Competency Framework written by the profession for the profession. The PMO Competency Framework is a guide for PMO professionals interested in assessing and developing...