
PMO Conference 2018 \\ Transforming from a Projects-Driven to Goals-Driven Portfolio – Chris Potts

Organisations that excel at investing in change use a goals-driven portfolio. They prioritise their goals, invest more in their priority goals, and choose projects that can achieve those priorities as efficiently as possible. A goals-driven portfolio provides the foundation for agile investment decisions. As rapidly as the market changes, as new ideas emerge, and as today’s projects vary in their probabilities of success, business leaders and portfolio managers can re-appraise the organisation’s investment choices. They can decide what to keep the same in the portfolio and what needs to change – to achieve the goals they are investing in, at the speed they need to achieve them, and with the least possible risk.
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Inside PMO Report \\ Portfolio Management

The Challenges and Reality of Portfolio Management. The Inside PMO Report: As organisations look to improve on the returns from strategy development and increase maturity in programme and project management delivery capability, portfolio management has increasingly taken centre stage as a business function to support that. Portfolio management is seen as the ‘glue’ or ‘bridge’ between strategy and strategy execution (delivered by programmes and projects). The PMO or Portfolio Office is the place where portfolio management practices become a reality for an organisation.
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