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Maturity in the PMO World
In last week’s #PMOwfh the 10-in-10 (10 slides in 10 minutes) was all about maturity.
Organisational maturity; PMO maturity and your own maturity too.
It’s a subject that often comes up when talking about challenges in delivery organisations – and of course in our own PMOs. In the session, we shared a number of detailed slides to cover the three different aspects.
Let’s start by taking a look at the 10 minute recorded session and a closer look at those slides:
The 10 Minute Video Session
1. The Three Different Aspects
2. Organisational Maturity
For more information on P3M3 – it’s from AXELOS, [so start there]. There is a standard self-assessment which is free [find out more]
3. Organisational Maturity – Network Rail’s 4.4 Assessment
Wajjahat Khan from Network Rail delivered a session at the PMO Conference last year on Supporting and Facilitating the Highest Ever P3M3 Assessment – PMO 4.4
The session was packed with great insights and takeaways and we’re sharing the video here with you:
4. Organisational Maturity – Some Network Rail Insights
You can also take a look at the detailed case study [download available here]
5. PMO Maturity – The PMO Maturity Cube
You can read about the model here in this [PMI Conference paper]
6. The PMO Maturity Cube
Have a read about this diagram from [Henny Portman’s website here] There’s also an article from Darrell Gardner on the PMO Maturity Cube too
7. PMO Maturity – AIPMO on Single PMOs
For more on AIPMO -[take a look at the website] This slide is taken from the IPMO-Practitioner level course [take a look at the course]
8. PMO Maturity – A Different View
Now part of Gartner Here’s the [document where this image comes from]
9. Your Own Maturity as a Practitioner in PMO
We know lots of PMO practitioners have their own in-house competency frameworks and assessments – for others, there’s not much out there in the wider market that specifically focuses on PMO.
A lot of the in-house stuff is about skills levels in relation to job titles and job families – used to help skills development, promotions and salary bands.
10. The PMO Flashmob Competency Framework
PMO Flashmob have been working on a PMO Competency Framework for over two years now and will be completed this year (we’re nearly there!) This snapshot shows where we are a few months ago.
On the left are the industry competency frameworks that already exist – you can always check these out and assess specific knowledge and skills against these.
The orange boxes on the right are the PMO specific competencies included in the PMO Competency Framework from us. More to come later in the year.