
Coaching in All Directions

It's the eighth (maids a-milking) of our 12 Stand Up for PMO Days Before Christmas and in this one we picked up on the subject of coaching. This session was one of the Lightning talks from two of our Standuppers for PMO and also earned a post up on the ah-ha board with this insight "coaching can happen in all organisational directions". [You can see the other 12 Stand Up for PMO Days Before Christmas here]
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Coaching Skills for PMO Professionals

Coaching has often been identified as a key skill for PMO professionals. It's long been mentioned in job advertisements as "coaching and mentoring skills" and more recently with the PMO supporting Agile delivery approaches, the term 'coaching' is heard more frequently. What does that actually mean? Coaching is surrounded in misconceptions and in this session, we're debunking some myths whilst we focus on developing our ability to be a valued partner to the business and to the people our PMO supports. We wanted to understand what types of coaching approaches and techniques we could potentially use in our everyday work - rather than focusing on whether we could become actually coaches. The session was led by Bekka Prideaux who, not only is an executive & leadership coach, she's experienced in project management and more importantly, gets PMO (take a look at her profile below) Bekka took us through the fundamentals starting with; What is coaching & why that is relevant to a PMO professional. The spectrum of coaching - what's included, what each is. Understanding where on the spectrum you need to be depending on where you are in your career, how mature your organisations PMO is and the skills/awareness/experience of the person you are working with when it comes to PMO. Understanding and access to a variety of coaching skills and tools which can be used by the PMO. The Presentation
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Using a Coaching Model in the PMO

In January's PMO Flashmob we had Susanne Madsen join us for the evening session on Coaching Project Managers. We wanted to explore the idea that the PMO coaches project managers, after all we see it on a number of job specifications as a task that PMO should carry out. We had about 30 PMO Flashmobbers so at the beginning of the evening we needed to find out what the objectives were of the people in attendance. What would they like to get out of the session, what kind of answers were they looking for. These are just a few of them (and believe me, there were loads more!): What is the difference between coaching and mentoring? What is the difference between informal vs formal coaching? What is a coaching style - is there a method? What kind of experience and training do you need? What is the PMO suppose to be coaching the PMs on?  What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?
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