Servant Leadership

Inside PMO \\ PMO Leadership

At this lunch, the subject was ‘PMO Leadership’ We wanted to understand about PMO leadership experiences, leading people, the PMO and leading in the organisation. There is a real lack of insights when it comes to leadership in PMOs. What makes a good PMO leader? How do you become a great leader of the PMO? Is it different to leading any other type of business function? These were just some of the questions we wanted to find answers to for this Inside PMO Report. We also wanted to understand if leadership skills and the different qualities and behaviours are just limited to PMO Managers and Directors - those that traditionally lead a PMO. What about the people who work in the PMO? What about the PMO itself? In the latest report, we take a look at leadership from different PMO angles and bring some new insights for the PMO community.
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PMOs Supporting Modern Project Management – Servant Leadership

Modern project management has been mainly focused on the different methods and delivery approaches for managing projects and programmes. Waterfall, Lean, SCRUM, Kanban, Agile – the list goes on. Utilising the right approach for the right project is key, yet the biggest success factor for successful projects remains the same – effective leadership and management of people in project environments. Over the next few weeks we are going to cover several different frameworks, approaches and techniques that the modern project practitioner can utilise in their day-to-day work that make a difference to people and their performance levels. We also share ten different things your PMO can be thinking about to make a real difference to the performance of your PMO. We're going to look at the following areas: servant leadership; facilitation, coaching and; conflict management. This article covers the first, servant leadership.
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PMO Conference 2018 \\ Developing PMO Servant Leaders – Richard Hendrickse

The increasing exposure of agile methodologies has raised the subject of servant leadership (706,000 hits on Google!). However, the level of understanding of servant leadership remains low and needs to be raised if the PMO are going to gain real value from it. Gain that understanding and the link between servant leadership and the developing role of the PMO.
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