Artificial Intelligence

Is Project:Hack for the PMO Practitioner?

Been hearing a lot about Project Data Analytics recently? Yes us too! It's one of those things we see every so often in PMO (portfolio management, benefits, Agile have been just some of them over the years) which (a) we need to know about because it's part of our job to know everything about project delivery (b) it has the potential to be disruptive, a big game-changer for the PMO.
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Easing into Data Analytics \ PMO Trends for 2019

In this article, Nicole Reilly, who, to be fair is our go-to gal for anything to do with data, dashboards and tool stuff, picks up on the current trend on data analytics. If you're one of those PMO practitioners who are trying to get your head around all of this at the moment, this is the article to get you started.
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