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Advancing Your PMO Career
Earlier in the week we hosted the Advancing Your PMO Career webinar. In this webinar we wanted to cover off the different employment types too – so permanent employees and contractors. We also wanted to look at the different career levels.
We used the four levels that we’re using over at PMO Learning, so that’s Project Support, PMO Analyst, PMO Manager and Enterprise level PMO Leaders/Directors.
At each stage we share insights into what a good PMO practitioner looks like at each of those levels. It doesn’t matter where you are in your career today – or where you want to take it in the future. Hopefully this session will provide some inspiration if you’d like to advance your career in PMO The webinar was a hour long – I advise a notepad, pen and (stiff) drink to see you through it 🙂
Advancing Your PMO Career
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