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Pragmatic PMO at Project Challenge
I recently spent a day at Project Challenge. If you work in projects and you don’t know about this event, then you should really make the effort to go. Over two Autumn days in London (and in some years one spring day in Birmingham), you have the opportunity to hear the latest thinking from industry speakers, talk to PM software and training providers, membership organisations and consultants. If (like me) you’ve been around the industry for a few years, you’re bound to bump into someone you know who you haven’t seen for a while.
I was helping Lindsay and Eileen to crew the PMO FlashMob stand, and met some interesting people with some interesting challenges – from the PM trying to improve the way the emergency services work together, through the PM considering a move into PMO in the laundry business, to the cool dude in the bright yellow suit giving away Starbucks vouchers!
Whilst I was there I managed to take in a few presentations. Here are some highlights: