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PMO Flashmob Talks PMO Careers
Last night’s PMO Flashmob was the Second Birthday Party, that’s a whole two years of PMO Flashmobbing, 24 get-togethers, marauding over so many different pubs and venues all over Central London.
It was good to see so many familiar faces as well as new people. It was good to hear from the ‘old-timers’ about some of their previous PMO Flashmobs, which one they first came to, what it was like walking into a PMO Flashmob for the first time and thankfully being quite surprise at what a friendly bunch of people it is. Thanks to you all for supporting the PMO Flashmob over the last two years and thank you for your generosity of spirit in sharing your PMO lives with others and being such great networkers.
So the second birthday. It couldn’t be a party without the cake, and its thanks to a PMO Flashmobber who couldn’t be there for sending such a fab cake. Thanks to Jonathan from Gower for a lovely gesture!