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The PMO Conference last month pulled together an eclectic mix of sessions, speakers, practitioners and supplying organisations. People have often asked what the theme for the conference is - it's PMO. Simple as that. It doesn't have to have one theme - or one focus - because PMO is so varied, so why not pull together a conference that celebrates that variety.
This year I was spoilt for choice when it came to putting together my top ten - those little nuggets or lightbulb moments - things that have stuck four weeks later.
If you want to see the sessions for yourself you can, there's a small fee that goes right back into PMO Flashmob so we can carry on pulling together great events in the future.
Here's my top ten:
The Golden Rule - It's Not Your PMO
Who's Who in the PMO Zoo
Agile PMO - Three is the Magic Number
Bagel Theory
PMO Principles
Epics and Sprints
We Don't Close - We Change and Evolve - Beyond the Tricky Third Year
Tailoring the PMO
Growing Up Portfolio Management Style
Flip the Switch