Business Intellegence

Is the Modern PMO Achieveable?

I downloaded a white paper last week from ca technologies called Business Agility Begins with a Modern PMO: Change Agents. What a title, so much to unpick, so many buzz terms, how could you not want to read that - business - agility - modern - change - agents! The white paper is about the need for the PMO to respond to the business as it changes - it's this Gartner push that screams "internet of things", stuff being developed so quickly to get it to market before someone else does or else the company fails and goes bust. It's the sense of urgency - and how things needs to be "innovative", "creative", "collaborative" and "entrepreneurial" or else you're just a dinosaur company. But do our companies, the organisations we work for, really show any signs of this? As a PMO do you think you're in the driving seat of this fantastically modern PMO that is guiding your organisation to super stardom? First of all, let's understand what ca technologies believe a modern PMO to be.
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